- Who am I? 

I am a designer by inspiration, training, and recent work.

How I started

Computer Science

I have MS in Computer Science.

Website Design and Development

I started my career as a Website Designer and Developer. Later I helped with the Front-end Development of web-based applications.

Human-Computer Interaction

Being a lifelong learner I take a lot of courses. One of them, Human-Computer Interaction, provided by Stanford University completely changed my view on how digital products should be designed and created. It also became a starting point in my UX career.

UX Design

After completing the HCI studio practicum, I received UX Design Certification and started working as a UX/Product Designer on a contract basis.

What inspires me and influences my designs

Happy Users

Seeing the happy faces of the users of my designs makes my day and inspires me to continue making a good impact on people’s life.

Beautiful Products

Any beautiful product (made either by nature, or human ) that touches my emotions can later find its reflection in my design.


Feedback is an irreplaceable part of my design process. I am always looking forward to and open to it.

  Let’s build something smart and beautiful.